John Vail, MFT, Psychotherapist


John Vail is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, License number 88483. He is Board Certified by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT). John Vail has also been certified in the Evidenced Based Practice, Managing and Adapting Practices (MAP). John Vail’s certifications give him the expertise to personalize and tailor therapy in a way that will best fit your needs and issues. 

“My passion is working with individuals, couples, and families. I work individually with Adults and Teens as well. My goal is to take my clients on a journey with my 5 step method that leads you towards victory over the barriers and blockades that seem to be in between you and the peace and fulfillment you deserve. I understand the feeling that things are just out of your reach, and like life is just passing you by as you sit on the sidelines and watch as others play the game. But this is not true. This world is yours, and in your palm because you are alive. Your family, relationships, career, and education goals and endeavors can be meaningful, enjoyable, and peaceful because you are capable, lovable, and significant. If you don’t know this yet, or you have forgotten, learn how to take these 5 steps and believe it for yourself.”

--John Vail, MFT