Specialization and Areas of Expertise

As a Psychotherapist, I have worked with people suffering from various mental heath diagnosis. In my private practice, I specialized in helping clients suffering from ADHD symptoms that make various aspects of life uncomfortable and difficult. I myself have ADHD, and have struggled with Anxiety and Depression, and was a pretty disruptive adolescent teen if I'm being completely honest, so Opposition Defiant Disorder kiddos and all the various cases and people that I treat in my practice, are a true honor and joy to work with. My hope, my heart, my joy, and my empathy is in my work with my clients and is fueled and driven from not only my own personal experiences, and from my work with my other clients, but also in a belief that we all can overcome and thrive! I believe in the inherent and honorable strength of the human spirit.

I believe humans are unique in the sense that we get to write our own stories. This happens both intentionally and unintentionally. Partly because of our biological make-up, and partly from the experiences from our environment that make us who we are as we interact with our surroundings in this dance we call life. Along with our biology, and our environment, we must also take into account the internal world in which we interact with as we become who we are to be. Quietly, without anyone ever knowing, and sometimes without us knowing, this potently influential environment may be the most influential place in all of human existence, and without being in a place in particular. This “placeless” place is our experience within our consciousness and subconscious reality. Our consciousness and subconscious runs like a movie the second it begins. Whether while awake or asleep, we find ourselves surprised and swept away within our own dreams and daydreams.

“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up, if thou wilt always look”- Marcus Aurelius

“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up, if thou wilt always look”- Marcus Aurelius

Feeling out of control over what you care about the most can make you feel like your world is crumbling around you. Feelings of worry, fear, confusion, anger, and sadness can make your relationships, parenting, work, or your education seem impossible and feel like a heavy burden. My passion is helping people realize or remember that they are capable, strong, worthy, and significant. Do you feel like the problems you have are becoming so difficult to manage, that your family’s well-being, relationships, work performance, and/or educational performance is suffering as a result? Well, I understand your pain and concern, and I want to tell you that you can overcome these obstacles that come your way in life. Having peace of mind is a mind frame. 

A|Vail with CBT Therapy

Research has indicated that CBT has the lowest relapse rate for anxiety and mood disorders. My Certification in Cognitive Therapy helps me specialize in my work with Various Mood Disorders such as Major Depression, and Adjustment Disorders, Anxiety Disorders: ranging from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Panic Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety, and I have a passion in providing my clients and the public with psycho-education in the topics we work on. So my clients learn a lot about their symptoms and how to overcome or cope with them. A lot of our work is learning feelings and learning to cope with and self sooth from them.